DW: German arms export policy condemned by church organization

Katja Keul, arms policy spokeswoman for the Green party, also believed there was plenty the German government could do: for instance, German citizens can be required to get a permit to travel abroad to consult or advise a foreign arms company. "The Americans regulate this," she told DW. "American citizens from arms companies are forbidden from switching to foreign firms. And Rheinmetall is exploiting this gap massively." Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel hier >>>

17.12.18 –

Katja Keul, arms policy spokeswoman for the Green party, also believed there was plenty the German government could do: for instance, German citizens can be required to get a permit to travel abroad to consult or advise a foreign arms company. "The Americans regulate this," she told DW. "American citizens from arms companies are forbidden from switching to foreign firms. And Rheinmetall is exploiting this gap massively."

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